We provide emergency assistance to children and families affected by disasters and conflict, partner with communities and churches for long-term solutions to alleviate poverty and advocate for justice on behalf of the poor.
Big Big World is our Parent Company and leads us in sustainable development - meeting the needs of the current generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. And we believe in fair shares - too often the poorest communities in the world are denied access to the natural resources essential to life,such as fresh water, while rich countries consume and pollute recklessly.
Little Little World was launched in June 2015 in Dublin, Ireland. We see a world where all people have the opportunity and capacity to direct economic, social, and environmental resources toward sustainable outcomes that improve their lives and communities. LLWI's mission is to bringing hope to families in need, make a different and change lives!
We promote education and action for environmental sustainability and environmental justice. We focus on members’ responses to the big environmental challenges of our time such as climate change and energy.
Following BBWI’s footsteps, we are still helping our local churches, we believe in a full solution to poverty and injustice. We provide emergency assistance to children and families affected by disasters and conflict, partner with communities and churches for long-term solutions to alleviate poverty and advocate for justice on behalf of the poor.
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